How to Make a Home Winter Safe for Seniors

How to Make a Home Winter-Safe for Seniors

The phrase “Winter is coming”, invokes images of cozy fireplaces, hot cocoa, and the magical holiday season. But for older adults, winter can be a potentially dangerous time. With bone-chilling cold temperatures and slippery surfaces, you must plan to keep your home safe.

Prepare Your House for the Cold

The first step in creating a safe winter haven for seniors begins inside the house. It’s all about keeping warm while not triggering drastically high utility bills. To achieve this, ensure that your home’s heating system is working efficiently. Schedule a maintenance check to test efficacy and inspect for sudden malfunctions.

Another idea is to invest in quality thermal curtains and rugs to help insulate rooms. Also, consider weather stripping around doors and windows to prevent drafts. These are simple tweaks that not only keep the environment warm but also safe and comfortable for seniors.

Prevent Slippery Surfaces

We’ve all skated on thin ice at some point, figuratively or literally. Now imagine how an icy driveway or sidewalk could jeopardize a senior’s safety during winter months.

While regular shoveling and usage of non-corrosive ice melt products can be a lifesaver, it’s not always achievable for seniors. Our dedicated caregivers at Care At Home Services can assist or arrange for snow removal services for those days when outdoor maintenance seems like a frosty task.

Emergency Preparations

Power outages are common during severe weather conditions, and it’s critical to build emergency kits with essentials such as bottled water, canned food, flashlights, blankets, and first-aid supplies. You want to have enough supplies to last for 48 hours if needed.

Making a home winter-safe for seniors involves more than just insulation and planning. It’s about cultivating a safe environment that allows seniors to thrive even during the harshest winters. At Care At Home Services, we are committed to delivering comprehensive care to our clients – come rain, hail, or snow.

Care At Home Services provides private-pay care allowing your, or your loved one, to maintain your independence in the comfort of your home.

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