Current Opportunities – English2024-05-02T23:23:49-07:00

Current Opportunities

2912, 2023

Why Bathing Assistance Is Often an Important Component of Home Care Services for Seniors

Seniors, Wellness|

Why Bathing Assistance Is Often an Important Component of Home Care Services for Seniors As individuals age, many aspects of daily life that were once second nature can become difficult challenges. Among these changes, personal hygiene tops the list, as limited flexibility, cognitive challenges, slippery surfaces, and a more injury-prone body can turn a once-routine activity into a dangerous [...]

3011, 2023

Healthy Meals to Help Boost Winter Immunity in Seniors


Did you know that your diet can serve as the first line of defense against the winter chill? As the temperature dips, it's not just the woolens that need unpacking; it's also time to revamp your diet. Ingredient Rich Soups & Stews Let’s ladle out some truth – soups and stews are the superheroes of winter wellness. Don't underestimate [...]

3110, 2023

How to Make a Home Winter Safe for Seniors

Seniors, Wellness|

How to Make a Home Winter-Safe for Seniors The phrase "Winter is coming", invokes images of cozy fireplaces, hot cocoa, and the magical holiday season. But for older adults, winter can be a potentially dangerous time. With bone-chilling cold temperatures and slippery surfaces, you must plan to keep your home safe. Prepare Your House for the Cold The first [...]

2809, 2023

How to Broach the Topic of Home Care for an Elderly Parent

Care Givers, Seniors|

A Question of Senior Care Aging is a natural process that everyone has to go through, and it often results in changes to our body, mind, and care requirements. Many families with elderly parents struggle to find an appropriate long-term care solution for their requirements, due to guilt, lack of options, and proximity concerns. One solution for elderly care [...]

3108, 2023

Five Ways to Make Your Home More Accessible For Seniors


Home Safety For Seniors Are you or a loved one hoping to spend their golden years within the comfort of their own homes? With a bit of planning and adjustment, you can create a safe and comfortable environment at home. Ditch the Stairs and Embrace Single-Level Living As we age, dealing with stairs becomes a daily hassle. You can [...]

3107, 2023

Why Senior Care at Home Services Have Become More Important with Provincial Doctor Shortages


Find Health at Home In British Columbia and Alberta, it's no secret we're facing a shortage of doctors. And while this affects everyone, our senior citizens are feeling the pinch more than most. So now, a question that was once worth considering - whether home care is an important part of healthcare for seniors - has suddenly turned crucial. [...]

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