The importance of immunization for seniors


The importance of immunization for seniors Immunization and vaccines are important at all stages of life. For most of us, our first experiences are as children to give our immune system a head start on many of the worst diseases known to humans. However, as we grow we require booster shots to keep [...]

The importance of immunization for seniors2023-06-07T23:38:56-07:00

How to get back into fitness in your golden years


How to get back into fitness in your golden years If you feel like you’re slowing down with age don’t worry! It’s never too late to start a new fitness plan for yourself. Now we aren’t talking about an intense gym workout routine that will have you lifting weights or running miles, we [...]

How to get back into fitness in your golden years2023-06-07T23:38:58-07:00

The importance of dental health for seniors


The importance of dental health for seniors Dental care is key at every age, but as you age, like many health areas, your mouth and teeth require a little more TLC to keep healthy. The most important thing you can do is continue to see your dentist at least twice a year for [...]

The importance of dental health for seniors2023-06-07T23:39:01-07:00

Caring for loved ones with Parkinson’s Disease


Caring for loved ones with Parkinson’s Disease Few conditions can be as debilitating and emotionally taxing as Parkinson’s Disease. As things progress and become more difficult it is more important than ever to remember to care for yourself as well as your loved one so you don’t burn out. Take time for yourself [...]

Caring for loved ones with Parkinson’s Disease2023-06-07T23:39:02-07:00

4 senior nutritional needs to help you age gracefully


4 senior nutritional needs to help you age gracefully As we age gracefully our bodies will begin to require slight changes to remain fighting fit. Here are 4 great ways to keep that youthful vigor in your step for years to come. Vitamin B12 As we age, we require more vitamin B12, also [...]

4 senior nutritional needs to help you age gracefully2023-06-07T23:39:04-07:00

Brain Awareness – Terms and Knowledge


Brain Awareness Week 2017 This week is Brain Awareness Week and we wanted to help you get more familiar with the most complex organ in your body. Your brain controls every conscious and unconscious action and thought that you make, and is the pinnacle of human evolution. We can think of the brain [...]

Brain Awareness – Terms and Knowledge2023-06-07T23:39:07-07:00

BC’s Care Providers get a new day of recognition


BC's Care Providers get a new day of recognition Care At Home Services wants to congratulate all our senior care providers on a new day of recognition for all their hard work! As of today, February 20th is now known as Senior Care Providers' Day in BC. Linda Reimer, MLA for Port Moody-Coquitlam [...]

BC’s Care Providers get a new day of recognition2023-06-07T23:39:12-07:00

Care At Home Services chosen for national improvement collaboration


Care At Home Services chosen for national improvement collaboration Care At Home Services has recently been chosen as 1 of 8 leading home care associations, by the Canadian Home Care Association to collaborate in a pilot project to apply and test proven improvement techniques to keep home care patients safe in their own [...]

Care At Home Services chosen for national improvement collaboration2023-06-07T23:39:14-07:00

Managing and Minimizing Caregiver Stress During the Holiday Season


For most people the holiday season is a wonderful time to celebrate with family and friends. Yet too often, it is also the season of stress and hardship for senior caregivers. If you are caring for an aging parent or relative, the emotional toll of caregiving is year-round – but stress levels tend to [...]

Managing and Minimizing Caregiver Stress During the Holiday Season2023-06-07T23:39:18-07:00