Spring is Here: Outdoor Activities for Seniors


Spring is Here: Outdoor Activities for Seniors Through the winter season, seniors stayed warm indoors, avoiding the snow at all cost. Spring comes with many lovable perks such as fresh air which provides more energy, cleans your lungs, strengthens your immune system and boosts your mood. Additionally, research has found that spending some time [...]

Spring is Here: Outdoor Activities for Seniors2023-06-07T23:37:11-07:00

Combating Loneliness: Keeping Your Senior Connected and Involved


Combating Loneliness: Keeping Your Senior Connected and Involved A recent study found a correlation between loneliness and cancer mortality risks, indicating that the role of loneliness is a significant factor to cancer’s course. The release of stress hormones is triggered by the feeling of loneliness, which ultimately associates with higher blood pressure, decreased resistance [...]

Combating Loneliness: Keeping Your Senior Connected and Involved2024-01-05T12:42:28-08:00

The Importance of Keeping Your Aging Senior Active


The Importance of Keeping Your Aging Senior Active A study recently conducted by the Australian Hearing Association discovered that 90% of the younger generation often look up to seniors for advice in areas such as health and living habits. Another study on Health.com found that as we age, our cognitive powers improve as well. [...]

The Importance of Keeping Your Aging Senior Active2023-06-07T23:37:16-07:00