Managing Your Stay

Flexible, Personalized Pre and Post Hospital Care.

We take the time, during our first complimentary meeting, to get to know you and do a health assessment. From there, we’ll tailor your service to match your precise needs, before, during and after your hospital stay. We offer daily visits or full time live-in care, when you need it and for as long as required.

Our caregivers are always ready with a smile and positive attitude They are well trained and skilled at providing the best care, together with a healing and compassionate touch. Every staff member at Care At Home Services is carefully interviewed, screened, insured and licensed. When hiring we also look for many unique qualities to ensure our philosophy is consistently delivered and that your specific needs are met. But more than that, we go above and beyond the basics in providing advanced approaches to home health services.

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Hospital Stay Preparation

When you are informed of your hospital admission date, Care At Home Services can assist you with getting ready. We’ll help you manage your medications, provide companionship, make sure your home will be taken care of while you are away (home support), help you prepare your overnight bag with essentials for your hospital stay, and we’ll even drive you there and escort you to your room.


Hospital Stay Recovery

Whatever the reason for your hospital stay, coming home can be challenging. You may not feel fully recovered and need some TLC for the first while. You also may not feel comfortable staying alone and managing your medication and other physical needs. With Care At Home Services’ comprehensive suite of services, we’ve got everything covered with home support, companion care, personal care at home, and specialized care at home.


Early Discharge from Hospital

When you are informed you are getting discharged from hospital, you may be anxious to get back to the comfort of your own home. Our Quick Response team can help you avoid hospital administration delays by getting you home as quickly as possible; we facilitate your transition home, including driving you. We understand the system and barriers, and we will work seamlessly with the hospital staff, making it easy for you to go home. We’ll also take care of your medication needs and make sure all the necessary paperwork is in order to ensure continued care when needed.


Unique Care for your Recovery

Because we use Procura’s evidence-based clinical pathways, we have critical evidence-based medical data specific to your health issue. This means that when you come from hospital, we’ll be monitoring your recovery hour by hour, making sure you are on-track. If we see any irregularity, we’ll be able to take action right away with a plan of care. You can rest assured our care will exemplify best practices, and represent the culmination of evidence-based treatment research for your specific medical issues. You could not be in better hands.


Follow-Up Visits with your Personal Physician

We know you’ll need to attend follow up visits to see you physician or other health specialists. We can drive you to those important appointments, making sure your recovery is speedy and smooth.


We’re Leading the Way in Health Care Innovations

And to make sure our professional staff can focus on your needs, Care At Home Services invests in leading-edge technologies, detailed care plans, and evidence-based clinical pathways (Procura).

With Care At Home Services, you can choose from a complete range of reliable and compassionate home support, personal care or professional care depending on your unique needs.

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